#gamescontrar7 (for understanding - in english)

Have you seen the twitter´s hashtags #gamerscontrar7, well it's in TT's, reached 300 tweets in a few seconds. As much as there is a big "wow wow" and posts that are worthy of anything, But I think it is have a importance like this moment means.

The age that television talked for itself , like an Italian stage is over! With the so-called Web 2.0, the same Italian stage has become an arena, where viewers will not like it, fight back, swearing, do not let go unchallenged.

Anyway, even amid the unrest generated by the school massacre in Rio de Janeiro, learned material as a notebook and e-mails, record the recurring presence of games like GTA and Counter Strike.

In this search the entire cost for a culprit, the games entered in evidence being exposed to fire from the journalistic inquisition, of which two examples are worth highlighting:

- The "O Globo" newspaper ..

- A tv program on Tv Record, presented by the journalist Paulo Henrique Amorim.

These two issues have generated the movement of gamers in favor of gaming. The hash tag is being used widely and I believe will yield even more issues because the program isnt´t broadcast yet. We will see the developments in the coming times.

I would like to make some considerations, moreover, have remained active in my twitter account, not to attack the TV Record, but to be demanding an impartial stance, expressing my outrage as a gamer and game designer.

Here in Ginger I had a thought, anyone who will listen what I say click here.

I want to raise a few points:

- For what reason the games should "pay the piper"?
- It's hard to expect a fair field?
- I wonder, why not talk of good initiatives related to games such as Games for Change.
- Which explains why the TV games, but not expose yourself? Should make comparative studies on the exposure in television of nearly naked bodies compared with rape and domestic violence.
- How much a game sells? How many people reach and how many commit crimes?
- When it puts into circulation a matter like this, there is consultation with specialists in cognitive science and other industry professionals? We'll see tomorrow.
- At some point was earned that the topic might be offending a whole community, including people who dedicate their lives to study, work, develop, and promote the culture that the games provide?

Somehow I felt offended, disrespected, like many, that was my way of reaction, to avail myself of two-way communication current issue and expose my feelings here.

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